Buhoma Community Gravity Flow Scheme.

Constructed in 2005 with twenty one (21) tap stands, Buhoma gravity water flow scheme has over the last twelve (12) years expanded to supply now seventy four (74) tap stands. With its source at the park edge in Nkwenda Village, the gravity water flow scheme supplies water to the three (3) villages of Nkwenda, Buhoma and Kanyashande. While this expansion of the gravity water flow scheme is consistent with population growth and the increased demand for water, it on the other hand highlights a big challenge that water supply to front-line communities to gorilla parks are facing.

UNDP and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Sweden, and Kanungu Local government funded the construction of Buhoma gravity water flow scheme.

The gravity water flow scheme has expanded to serve almost the whole of Buhoma town; water taps have been installed at households, in camps, and institutions in addition to the public tap stands. The water users at the tap stands pay a monthly fee of about 1,000 UGX ($.30) per household and 20,000 – 25,000 UGX ($6 – 8) per institution.

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Tel: +256 781 007499

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Office : +256 (0) 772 384 965